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Written By: LWDadmin

me  stephenStephen John Kalinich 2008

Stomp for me was a wonderful inspiring experience where a whole new world in UK opened up to me. I think it made me appreciate more how deep the Beach Boys are ingrained into our present world and because of this I was able to experience England from a different view instead of being a traveller.


Stomp made me feel as if I was home in the Universe. Roy picked me up and James Crowther was with him. They were both so complimentary and knew all about me I was not used to this in America. It gave me a new appreciation of myself and my tiny roll in this world of having the privilege to work with the Beach Boys and write with them and become friends with Brian, Dennis, Al, Mike, Bruce and later David Marks who now is a close sweet friend and his lovely wife Carrie. I could go on but for now I will say Stomp was significant in my life.


Roy Gudge was the most kind gracious host and took me around England on steam trains and rails and I came to experience the kiss of the English countryside in all its glory and stunning beauty and elegance. I grasped England in a single trip from my experience at Stomp. England became alive to me. The hills sang to me, the cliffs the battle fields of yesterday. England opened up its heart to me. I felt for a time as if I lived in England and it was the beginning of new experiences of my experience staying in UK for many years at least 4 to 6 months a year. It opened the door to my Galactic Symphonies with Richard Durrant which is one of my favourite works and experiences in my life to this day it brought me beyond the Beach Boys and to meet so many of you sweet people.

This is also where I met Lucy Hall who has become my sweet good friend and now made and runs my official site. She is a real blessing in my life.

Stomp showed me, extended to me a grace seldom offered in this all to brief existence. It lives in my heart as a door to greater life and good in my life.


Stevie Kalinich

Stephen John Kalinich © 2012