The 40th ‘Beach Boys Stomp’ Convention

Written By: LWDadmin - Dec• 22•23
The 40th ‘Beach Boys Stomp’ Convention is scheduled to take place on
Saturday 12th October 2024  from 12 noon to 6 pm.
There will be ‘live music’ and a ‘Special Guest’ from California!
The venue is;-  Amersham Polish Club,  Raans Road,  Amersham,
                         Buckinghamshire,  HP6 6LX.
More information will be released in early January and should include an e-mail address to contact the organizers…

Brian Wilson/Beach Boys Stomp ’40th Zoom’ Convention’. Saturday 18th September 2021.

Written By: LWDadmin - Aug• 06•21
We will shortly be announcing more details relating to the above event which will mainly feature an e-mail address and the Paypal facility.    The e-mail address is likely to be <> and there will be a small range of charges to access the event. ‘Priority’ will be given to anyone who has attended an event in the last five years!    As many of you are aware Zoom runs in blocks of 100, I believe and we feel at this time we should watch the interest carefully.    As we don’t really want to have a second site, with say 15 or so participants?    The price structure is likely to be £2-50, £5-00 & £7-50, with the last figure giving access 100% to the event.    They will be able to offer questions, etc to whoever joins us for the event and we can confirm this will include our ‘originally intended’ actual guests, Mr. Mike Kowalski and Mr. Ed Carter.
The time span was originally set at six hours but this did create concern from Jim, who said ‘”People won’t want to sit in front of a computer screen, for some six hours!”    Which I can accept to be honest, so at this time we are thinking of 2 to 3 hours and are very happy to be guided by anyone’s thoughts??
As you can all imagine this could be ‘spectacular’ which is why there are thoughts at this time on holding the main ‘in person event’ in September and possibly a ‘Zoom’ event around March time each year?
All of the above is ‘pencilled in’ on a basic rough working sheet for anyone’s comments or observations and as we were fully aware last year.   This is again a big step and is very much a learning curve for the future, with some wonderful opportunities, all being well…
The very best to you all and “Stay Safe!”
Roy Gudge with Jim Grant…
Friday 6th August 2021

The 40th Brian Wilson/Beach Boys Convention Update

Written By: LWDadmin - Jul• 05•21
The 40th Brian Wilson/Beach Boys Convention will now take place via ‘ZOOM’!   Exactly how this will be presented is not sure at this time, however as I sure you do not need me to tell you.   It does open up some superb possibilities with the U.S.A.
The thought behind this is quite simple, ‘Covid-19’ is causing significant problems, as we can all see?    Changes are being made everyday and planning appears almost impossible, for anything?  The basic reason in this case is Jim has run his last two ‘Duane Eddy’ Conventions via ‘ZOOM’ and has been very pleased indeed, as to how it is has all gone.  The most recent event was less than four weeks ago, so in all fairness, it is certainly worth a try, especially with Jim at the controls and Roy G in the ‘co-pilots seat’??
Priority will be given to those who have supported the event in its normal format and it has been suggested, we could have the ‘live’ event in September and have a ‘ZOOM’ event in between?   Due to the possibilities with America??
Hopefully, this is now something a little more positive in these troubled times and ‘Yes’ there will have to be a ‘Paypal’ account set up in due course.    There will certainly be a ticket for this year as it is a very special event and it can be easily downloaded from the internet but we may have to give the badge a miss?    Then again it could be incorporated in the ticket design, “I don’t want to fall foul of ‘Mr Lindsey’ if it can be helped, at all!!
More information in due course and the date remains as previously
given, Saturday 18th September 2021…
With best regards to everyone and “Stay Safe!”
Roy Gudge…

The 40th Convention – Saturday 18th September 2021…

Written By: LWDadmin - Feb• 19•21
As we are sure you all appreciate these are very challenging times and life is changing by the minute, or so it seems?    It is very much the intention to hold the 40th event on the above date in ‘some’ form or other.    It is unlikely there will be a sensible method of bringing people over from America this year.   Air travel will be drastically reduced  and made all the more expensive as a result.   So at the time of writing we are hoping for ‘live music’ and some form of ‘Zoom’ connection with the U.S.    At the worst the entire event will be on ‘Zoom’, as Jim G ran the ‘Duane Eddy Convention’ in this format last year and was very pleased with how it turned out on all considerations.
It is interesting to learn the hall will accommodate 400 people but with all considered at this current time?    Will it ever be able to cater for this amount again!!    I for one would offer we could see quite a dramatic change to our lives as the year progresses and we learn to accept and live within ‘the new normal’!!
Roy Gudge – Friday 19th February 2021…
With many thanks and kind regards, “Stay Safe!”
Roy G…